This Week in Friesian Class

This week, we will begin rehearsing our part of the KS2 play and will begin to learn the songs. Some of this time will be spent with Mr Beech, which will also allow the Year 4 children to get to know him better in preparation for next year.
In maths, the Year 3 children will be looking at time, and Year 4 will be working with decimals.
In English, we will be continuing our writing journey on points of view stories and will be emulating Anthony Browne's book, Voices in the Park.
In our Immersion Curriculum lessons, we will be scientists, and will be investigating forces and magnetism.
On Friday, we will be holding our annual sports' day, so please make sure that children come dressed in PE kit, with sun-cream and a water bottle. We look forward to seeing you for our traditional races in the afternoon. Please see the weekly newsletter for further details.