This Week in Friesian Class

Welcome back!
I do hope that you all had a fun filled half term break. I cannot believe that we are already in our last term together - time has whizzed past!
This week, we will be returning to our writing journey on playscripts and will be planning and writing our own play based on another of the Ancient Egyptian myths.
In maths, year 3 will be reviewing their learning so far. Year 4 will be focusing on equivalent fractions and will also, during the next two weeks, be completing their online multiplication table check- that doesn't mean that they will no longer need to practice as we will be having another round of the rapid recall challenge too!
In our AIC time, we will be musicians and will be learning about Patsy Cline, listening and appraising music, learning to both sing and play 'The Dragon Song' on glockenspiels.
In computing, we will be focused on online safety, as we review our learning in this area from across the year and focus in on the elements which we have found harder to understand.
As the weather is due to be warm this week, please make sure that your child has their water bottle in school, and has a hat and some sun cream for breaktimes.
I look forward to seeing you at the gates!