This Week in Dexter Class

This week, we will be focusing on the sounds old, aw and ew. We will be determining rules for the alternative spellings we have been taught and using the sounds to read and write words in simple sentences. The children are becoming very proficient at writing independently now, and are frequently rising to the challenge of writing their own stories during independent learning time.
In RE, we will be looking at places which are special to us and linking the idea of what makes a place special, to what makes a place sacred as we learn about different places of worship. Thank you to all of you who have send in photos of your children's special places already.
In maths, we will be continuing our work on sharing equally and will use this to gain a better understanding of odd and even numbers. We will be looking at different ways to group and share, using lots of practical materials to manipulate, as well as looking at different visual representations.
In literacy, language and communication, we will be continuing with our work on Supertato by Sue Hendra. This book has been a big hit and there has been lots of superhero associated play running alongside it!
We are hoping to welly walk on Tuesday this week. Children will need to have long trousers regardsless of the weather in order to deter ticks. The weather is currently set to be very warm as the week progresses so please could we ask that you make sure your child has a sun hat, and that sun-cream is applied before school.