This Week in Dexter Class

Thank you all so much for your support with our tombola last week. We were thrilled to raise nearly £200 for Waunifor Primary School.
This week in Dexter class, we will be beginning Phase 5 in our phonics sessions and will be learning the ay,
ou, ie, ea, and oy sounds. We will be continuing to learn to read and write the tricky and high frequency words which the children have on their individual cards and will be introducing the new words oh, their and people.
In RE, we will be joined by Jo Wood, who is our EYFS Governor. We will be learning about how and when do Christians say 'thank you' to God. We will consider any similarities and differences between how other faiths say thank you, and will be thinking about what they might give thanks for.
In maths, we will be learning about doubling and will be trying to recall doubles for numbers to 5. We will also be creating addition stories using the words 'first', 'now' 'then' (First there were two cats on a boat, then two more joined them. Then there were four cats altogether.)
In our literacy, language and communication sessions, we will be reading 'The Snail and The Whale' by Julia Donaldson. We will use the book to make links to the different landscapes of the world and discuss what is might be like to live there too.
Unfortunately, we won't be able to welly walk this week, but after such a wonderful week of being outside last week, I am sure the children won't mind, as we have lots of other exciting learning opportunities planned instead!