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This Week in Dexter Class

It was so lovely to see you at at Parents' evening last week. Thank you all for your continued support.

This week in Dexter class, we will be reading 'Handa's Surprise' by Eileen Browne, and will be finding out about life in Kenya, as well as retelling the story. In RE, we will be focusing on the link between the Christian value of Forgiveness and Easter Sunday. We will continue to learn about the events of Holy Week, and how they are remembered and celebrated by Christians around the world.

In maths, we will be consolidating our work on counting on and back to add and subtract, and will be enjoying some Easter based shape activities too.

In phonics, we are looking at our recall of high frequency and tricky words for both reading and writing, and using them within simple sentences alongside words with 3 adjacent consonants.

We hope to welly walk on Wednesday. Don't forget to log in to Tapestry to see what we have been up to, and click the like button or comment, please!

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Amberley Parochial Primary 

Voluntary Aided

Providing the rich soil that enables our children to develop deep roots and flourish.

The Parable of the Sower, Matthew 13

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Mrs S Russell

Tel: 01453 873349



Amberley Parochial School
Amberley, Stroud
Gloucestershire GL5 5JG

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Amberley Parochial Primary School

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