This Week in Dexter Class

This week, we will be focusing on the events in Holy Week leading up to Easter Sunday, and will be making an Easter garden in our RE lesson. We will also be reflecting on our trip to the cathedral and thinking about the parts that had the most impact on us.
In phonics, we will be continuing to read and write words and short captions and sentences with adjacent consonant clusters. The children's ability to recall longer sentences and captions is growing and their independence is wonderful to see. We will soon be sending home updated HFW bookmarks that are personal to your child. We would be grateful if you could help them practise reading and writing these words to develop their fluency.
In maths, we will be consolidating our learning so far this year and focusing on our addition and subtraction (and counting forwards and backwards on a number track) skills, as well as recalling bonds within and to ten. We will continue to develop our recall of 2d and 3d shape names and properties.
In English, we will be reading a book called, 'Oliver's Vegetables' by Vivian French and will be linking this to our work on understanding the world, in which we will be planting our own vegetables and watching for changes as they grow over the next few months.
We are hoping that the weather will continue to be as glorious and will be welly walking on Wednesday.