This Week in Dexter Class

We are very excited to be visiting Gloucester Cathedral on Wednesday, this week. Please make sure that your child comes to school in uniform and brings a coat and a packed lunch. We will be taking part in an Easter focused workshop with Hereford class, and will also have the opportunity to look around the cathedral too. We will also be learning more about the events of Holy week in our RE lesson and will focus Good Friday, and find out about the symbolism of the hot cross bun as a representation of Jesus' tomb. (We may even taste some too!)
In phonics, we will be focusing on adjacent consonants and developing our ability to recall all the words in a sentences, as well as using capital letters and fully stops.
We will be focusing on oral health in our Understanding of the World work, and will use this as a driver for our instruction writing in Literacy, Language and Communication, and will be looking at the features of non fiction texts and the need for clear language in instructions.
In maths, we will be focused on the properties of 3D shapes and will be finding real life examples of the shapes we have learned, and will identify how they are composed of 2D shapes. We will also be continuing to learn number bonds within and to 10, for rapid recall.
Due to our trip, we will not be welly walking this week.