This Week in Dexter Class

This week, In Dexter class, we will be continuing with our learning about the events of Holy week, and will be focusing on Palm Sunday. The children will make palm leaves, dress up and act out the celebrations!
In maths, we will be continuing to work on the numbers 9 and 10, their composition and place in counting. We will be counting backwards and forwards, taking away and adding from these numbers. We will also be taking part in the rapid recall challenge to see if we can improve on our last attempts at recalling bonds within and to ten.
In literacy, language and communication, we will be focusing on poetry and will be learning some poems by heart with the aim of performing them to the rest of the school at celebration assembly on Friday. Keep a look out on Tapestry for a recording.
In phonics, we will continuing our consolidation work, using the sounds we have learned to read and write words with more complex adjacent consonants, and longer sentences.
We will be welly walking on Wednesday and will be developing our fine motor skills area we make journey sticks. If you have not already returned the permission form for our trip to the Cathedral, please could we ask that you do so as soon as possible? Many thanks.