This Week in Dexter Class

This week, in RE, we will be continuing to find out about stories from sacred books, and will be hearing the story of Zacchaeus and looking at how Christians believe that the Bible shows people how to live good lives. In maths, we will be looking at the composition of the numbers 6,7 and 8 and will be matching, adding and subtracting to and from these numbers.
In phonics, we will be looking at the use and formation of capital letters, learning the two 'ure' sounds (as in picture 'er' and cure 'your') as well as focusing on the high frequency and tricky words we have learned so far.
In Literacy, communication and language, we will be continuing our work on non fiction by reading and following instructions, and finding out about the Lunar New Year by reading fact sheets and posters.
We will be welly walking on Wednesday, where we will continue our attempts at hammer art using natural resources, learn the safety considerations for basic whittling and will use our maths skills when finding pairs to determine whether we have odd or even numbers.
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