This Week in Dexter Class

This week, in RE, we will be thinking about the things that are special to us, as an opening to work on sacred objects and texts. We will be thinking about why we treasure certain things and how we might, as a result, treat them differently.
In phonics, we will be learning the digraphs oa, oo (as in look and as in zoo) and the trigraph igh. We will also be reading and writing sentences and captions, as part of our work in literacy, linked to our book, Six Dinner Sid. The children's enjoyment of this book has led to work on visiting the vets and looking after animals. We will be embracing this theme and will be creating a veterinary surgery in class. The children are welcome to bring one toy animal in to take to the vet!
We will be welly walking on Wednesday, so please make sure that children have suitably warm coats to go with their wellies and waterproofs. We would also recommend a pair of gloves and a hat, as it is forecast to be chilly.
In maths, we will be continuing our work on the unit, ' Alive in Five!' and looking the composition of numbers, including when they are broken into more than two parts. We will also be starting the Amberley Rapid Recall Challenge this week. This is something which extends across the school. Children have a set time limit to answer a set number of questions, in order. The different levels represent the number of questions the children have to complete. We will be starting with 3 club, before moving (when we can fluently recall the 3) on to 5 club etc. The clubs at the start of the challenge focus on addition bonds (as we have been working on in our maths lessons) and progress to the final '99 club' where children at the older end of the school answer 99 mixed multiplication and division questions in under 10 minutes. They are then champions and begin to work towards reducing the time it takes to answer them all accurately. The learning powers of challenge and improvement play a big part in this work and, throughout the school, children are keen to gain new personal bests.