This Week in Dexter Class

This week, in Dexter class, we will be learning the sounds, e, u, r, ck and the tricky words, and, the, to, in phonics. We will be continuing to develop our abilities to blend and segment sounds to read and spell simple words, using the sounds we have already learned.
In RE, we will be learning about what happens at a traditional Christian infant baptism, as we find out more about how different faiths welcome new members.
In maths, we will be comparing quantities, using the language of more, fewer and equal, and comparing and ordering objects according to size. We will be hearing lots of stories which focus on these key elements of early maths, to reinforce the children's understanding.
In literacy, communication and language, we will be reading the traditional tale of 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears', and will be creating story maps, retelling the story and reordering it.
Throughout the week, we will also be using our learning powers to challenge ourselves in different ways. This may be through the inclusion of marking making and maths in our role play, or by attempting the challenges presented to us during continuous provision.