This week in Dexter Class

This week, in RE in Dexter class, we will be thinking about the different groups that we belong to, including families, school, class, clubs and religions, and will be looking at the different symbols which are used to represent each of those groups. We will be introduced to three children, Grace, Imran and Samit, all of whom are follow different world faiths. We will learn about the symbols which represent their faiths and why these symbols are important to them.
In maths, we will be comparing, sorting and matching a variety of different things, explaining why they do or don't match or belong to a certain group. The children will even have a chance to help Mrs Crampton sort out her laundry and find the matching socks!
In Literacy, we will be reading 'We are going on a bear hunt' by Michael Rosen and will be working on our communication and language skills as we explore the text and learn to retell it.
PE will be on Friday, and we would like to remind you that the children are able to come to school in their PE kits that day and do not need to bring their uniform to change into.
The children will be staying all day this week, and pick up will be at 3.15pm.
Please could you look at the menu together each day, so that your child knows what they will be ordering. If they do not like the choices on offer, they are welcome to bring a packed lunch.
Please don't be worried by the fact that your child may be rather tired by the end of the week - this is perfectly normal with so much to take in. They will get used to it very quickly! If, however, you have any concerns, please don't hesitate to get in touch.