This week in Dexter Class

This week in Dexter class, we are excited to be starting our reading and writing journey by beginning our phonics lessons. The children will be introduced to the sounds s, a, t and p. They will use oral blending to create and segment words and will develop their recognition of the sounds as well as the correct letter formation. Each time a sound is learned, the children will bring home a sheet to continue their practice at home, and at the end of the week, they will bring home a phonics pot. This pot will contain the sounds they have learned this week and a list of words made of these sounds, to try to create and read.
In literacy, we will be reading "Here we are" by Oliver Jeffers and will use the book as a basis for discussion and creative activities.
In RE, we will be introducing the Parable of the Sower, which is a key Bible story for our school. We will learn the parable and discuss the meaning and how we can use Jesus' words to help us grow into independent, reflective and aspirational learners.
The children will finish school at 12pm this week. If you have not already sent in wellies and a waterproof apron, we would like to ask that they come in to school as soon as possible, please.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch, either in person at the school gates, or via email. There is a communication box on our class webpage too.