This Week in Dexter Class

This week in Dexter class, we will be discussing the similarities and differences between places of worship for different religions. We will look at photos and real artefacts to find out more about these sacred places. In phonics, we will be focusing on tricky word reading and spelling, and spotting digraphs and trigraphs in longer texts. In maths, we will start with finding half, and then move to grouping numbers into equal groups. We will be using the book 'The Doorbell Rang' by Pat Hutchins as a basis for our learning, which will no doubt be acted out many times! In English, we will be looking at non fiction texts and will be reading and writing instructions, reading and writing facts and developing our reading comprehension skills. We are hoping to welly walk on Wednesday morning, where we will be searching for snails and identifying changes in the environment since our last visit. Please could we ask that you make sure that your child has appropriate clothing (leggings/ sun hat for hot weather/ water proofs and wellies for wet weather)?