This Week in Dexter Class

This week, we will be visiting Bristol Aquarium - something which we are very excited about! We will be using our trip as the basis of our work in English, writing about creatures we find there, recounting what we did and making links with our work on The Snail and the Whale, by Julia Donaldson.
In phonics, we will be continuing to develop our fluency when reading and writing words with longer letter strings, and will be trying to recall and write longer sentences independently.
In maths, we will be adding and subtracting by counting on and back using a numberline and will be introducing the concept of doubles.
In RE, we will be thinking about places which are special to us and why we think of them that way. We will discuss what people might do in places that mean something to them and will be getting creative with miniature special place boxes!
Class photos will be taking place on Monday and we will be taking part in the PTA fun run on Friday.