This Week in Dexter Class

This week, in phonics, we will be looking further at blending ccc strings at the start of words such as 'string, sprung, straps and scrunch' and practising reading and writing sentences containing these types of words. It can be very tricky to hear and blend all the sounds. In English, we will be reading Where The Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak, and will be retelling the story, role playing, writing captions, labels and sentences and taking part in a variety of art activities linked to the story.
In maths, we will begin to look at the composition of numbers 11 to 20, developing the children's understanding of tens and ones. In RE, we will be learning about Pentecost and the Holy Trinity, and finding out about symbols associated with the Holy Spirit.
Unfortunately, we won't be welly walking this week, but will still be spending time learning outside, so please make sure that your children have coats in school in case they are needed.