This week in Dexter Class

This week in Dexter class, we will be consolidating our phonics learning and working on our sight reading of high frequency and tricky words. We will be using our reading and writing skills within dramatic play and will also be applying them during our English work on the book, 'Whatever Next!" by Jill Murphy. We have already heard this story and have had great fun creating a rocket ship and space centre in the classroom!
In maths, we will be learning about the numbers 4 and 5, and using simple mathematical notation to record our learning.
In RE, we are focusing on Remembrance and will be taking part in a variety of poppy related activities, as well as contributing to prayer writing. We will also be finding out about the Hindu and Sikh festival of Diwali and will be making rangoli patterns, diva lamps and drawing our own mehndi designs.
On Friday, we will be having our usual PE lesson and as of this week, we would like to ask the children to come to school dressed in their PE kits so that they can remain in them all day. The Early Learning Goal for physical development requires children to be able to dress themselves independently. We would usually change for PE in school in order to increase the opportunities for addressing this goal, but the children have already proven themselves capable in this area. We will send home any PE kits that are in school prior to Friday.