This Week in Dexter Class

This week in Dexter class, we will be comparing Christian baptisms and Muslim Aquiqah ceremonies during our RE lesson. We will be thinking of things we would like a baby to hear said to them as they are welcomed into the world and acting out our own welcoming ceremonies.
In Literacy, we will be continuing our work on traditional tales and will be focusing on the story of Pumpkin Soup.
In phonics, we will be learning the sounds e, u, r and ck, and using these sounds to blend for reading and segment for spellings. We will also be introducing more high frequency and tricky words to encourage sight recognition.
In maths, we will be starting our mastery approach to number during which we will introduce the number 1 and 0. We will focus on shapes with one side and will create our own versions of Kandinsky's circles, as well as counting 1p coins and developing our understanding of one and another one being the basis of other numbers.
During our work on spirituality, we will be considering what we have to be thankful for, and learning about children in parts of the world where there is extreme poverty.
We will use our observations to help write a prayer.
We will be welly walking on Tuesday, so please make sure that your child has a pair of waterproof trousers, wellies and a rain coat in school.