This week in Dexter class

We are all extremely excited about our trip to Cotswold Wildlife Park which starts our week off on Monday. Please remember a waterproof with a hood, a packed lunch and most importantly a £1 coin for an ice cream!
The children will be taking part in a workshop during the day all about Exploring Animals and their Habitats.
I am most looking forward to seeing the Giant tortoise, I wonder what the children will like best?
On Tuesday, normal service will resume and we will be learning the 'ea' alternative in Phonics and comparing it with 'ee' . We will also review last week's spelling rules and focus on making correct choices between ai and ay, ow and ou and igh and ie.
In Literacy, Language and Communication, we will finish writing the story of Superworm, before looking at how to write a recount using our trip to Cotswold Wildlife Park as inspiration.
Our Maths journey will continue with a focus on sharing and grouping and looking at odd and even amounts in more detail.
On Thursday after break time, we will have the Year 5s with us as the Year 6s head off to Gloucester Cathedral for their Leaver's service.
Friday will be slightly different this week and very exciting, as Dexter class will be having an extra long PE session and an hour long Outdoor Learning session with Mrs Greenwoods. Mrs Lury and I will also accompany the children out to the Planny and they will be introduced to the structure of Outdoor Learning. We ask that children bring appropriate clothing and this includes long sleeves and trousers, leggings or joggers and sturdy shoes or wellies. They should all have wellies and waterproofs in school already so this will be fine. As usual, they will have their PE lesson first so should come dressed in their PE kit but bring spare clothes for the session outside. Once they become Year 1s, they will take part in these sessions weekly so this will be a lovely introduction for them.
I would like to thank all of you for supporting the conversations around looking after the classroom and the resources, and not bringing toys or inappropriate items of uniform into school. It really does help!