This week in Dexter class
Welcome back to the second part of the Summer term. The next few weeks will be all about showing how far the children have come and the fantastic progress they have made since September.
In phonics we are starting on Phase 5 and our sounds this week will be ay, ou and ie. These are alternatives to ai, ow and igh and have different spelling rules. On Fridays, I will send home spellings to practise as this will prepare them for Year 1. I would like them to read and then write these words and return them to school before the end of the following week.
Our literacy for the next couple of weeks is based on the tale of Superworm by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler. It is a chance for children to revisit rhyming in stories and have a go at writing descriptive sentences. We will continue to support letter formation and the use of finger spaces this term so that children can write sentences that can be read by themselves and others. We have also been gifted a Worm World by an ex-parent who bought one for the class. This will be a welcome addition by the end of the week and give us opportunities to study are wriggly friends in detail.
Our maths will look at sharing and grouping, the foundations for division. We will be looking at sharing quantities into groups. We will discuss what happens when we can't share equally and have some left over. We will also complete a rapid recall challenge to keep up our recall of addition facts.
Our value this term is Courage and this is what we will be looking at in RE and worship this week. The children will be revisiting the story of David and Goliath and we will also be discussing D-Day.
Now we are working towards increasing independence, can I just remind everyone to send all clothing and water bottles in with names clearly visible on labels. Reading records and books need to come in to school daily. Also, one final plea-can jewellery, sparkly headbands, watches, toys etc. be left at home? Items are getting lost and broken and can also be dangerous. These items are not part of school uniform or kit and long hair should be tied back with appropriate accessories.
Hopefully we will have lots of fun and the weather will stay pleasant-have a good week and don't forget next Monday we are off to Cotswold Wildlife Park-yippee!