This week in Dexter Class

Well, this week we will return to our normal routines after the excitement of having the Year 5s with us for much of the time last week. Today we started off with a lovely walk down to the Church and a service with Rev Coral. We then returned to the classroom to start our Phonics consolidation and assessments where children can show off what they know in a range of reading and writing challenges.
In Maths, we will be moving on from subtraction and looking at shape. We will talk about comparisons and properties of 2D shapes, the manipulation, composition and decomposition of shapes and complete some reasoning activities.
Our Literacy will be focused on looking after our bodies and our minds. Managing Self is one of the Statutory Early Learning Goals: 'Children at the expected level of development will: manage their own basic hygiene and personal needs, including dressing, going to the toilet and understanding the importance of healthy food choices'. We will learn how to write instructions and we will focus on how to brush our teeth. I will be reading stories and showing short films about visiting the dentist, keeping healthy including through diet and exercise and also about how we can keep our mind happy and balanced. We will also join with Hereford class to discuss transitions-the changes that happen to us such as moving class, house, school and how we can prepare and cope with change.
Talking of change, our butterflies have emerged and we will release them into the wild this week. It has been fascinating to watch the changes taking place.
The weather is pretty changeable at the moment so please do send in children with a waterproof coat in case of showers, a sun hat and sunscreen. This should be applied before school if possible. Children also need a named water bottle in school at all times.
Finally, I am pleased to say that the children have been so much more mindful of the classroom and the resources. The breakages have gone down quite considerably so thank you for taking the time to discuss being respectful with your child.