This week in Dexter Class

This week in Dexter class, we will be continuing to look at the Autumn season. In our Literacy, Language and Communication lessons we will be taking a deeper look at poetry, reciting and discussing the features of a poem. The first one is called 'Misty', written by Shirley Hughes and taken from a collection of her poetry called Out and About. We will be comparing this with well known nursery rhymes, looking at any similarities and differences that we notice. We will also take a look at a poem called 'The Wind' by Christina Rossetti.
The poetry will be the inspiration for some of our art and design work this week and we will be looking at kites and windsocks and looking at the features of instructions in our reading activities.. If anyone has any spare loo rolls please do bring them in!
In Maths, we continue looking at the numbers 1, 2 and 3 talking about one more, one less, matching numerals to quantities, and composition including simple addition and subtraction using resources including the most useful bit of kit we have-our fingers!
In RE, we finish the term by reflecting on our learning about our Christian Value of 'Perseverance' and we will be learning to make connections between how people of different religions show love and care for each other.
At the end of last week you received a letter with the opportunity to order a Christmas card, calendar, mug etc. designed by your children (we know it's early!) This gives the Friends of Amberley plenty of time to organise, get them sent off for printing and ensure delivery in time for the Christmas season. If you wish to order something and to avoid disappointment, please send back the form by Friday 27th October. It does state on the form that late forms will not be accepted.
This is the last blog of Autumn term 1 and I hope that you have a fantastic half term break - it has been a very long 8 week term and the children have settled in so well to Dexter class and life at Amberley. I am proud of each and every one of them. I look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday 7th November 2023 as Monday is an INSET day.