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This week in Dexter class

So, we are fast approaching the end of the school term - the final one in Dexter class for your children (sob!!!). We are going to make sure it's a good one and we have got lots of things to look forward to this week.

We will finish the consolidation and review of all our learning in maths, literacy and phonics. I will be sending home some personalised activities so that children can practise anything that they find a little tricky on any rainy days over the summer (hopefully we won't have too many!) This is not compulsory and I don't want it to take up lots of time but little and often -especially with reading will give them confidence when they start in Year 1. It is also worth keeping an eye on what the local libraries are offering as they have lots of activities including the reading challenge going on over the summer holidays

Speaking of Year 1, the children will have an opportunity to sample life in Hereford class with Mrs Hamilton and Mrs Apew on Thursday morning. We will also be heading up to the Common with Herefords for some fun and games whilst the KS2 matinee performance takes place on Wednesday so Mrs Hamilton and I are keeping everything crossed for some good weather! The children will also get the opportunity to watch the dress rehearsal of the KS2 production on Tuesday morning.

On Wednesday morning we will head down to Amberley Playgroup to watch their summer production which is always such fun and some of the children will have siblings taking part.

Although we don't finish until next week, we would ask that all library books are returned this week please. Also, reading books need to come in by Thursday and we will then send home a few to dip into over the holidays. We also ask if you could all send in a carrier bag with your child's name clearly written on it so that we can send home their books and work from this year- They have so much to be proud of and it will be lovely to be able to share this with you. We will also send home all kit such as wellies, art aprons and outdoor clothing over the next few days. Reports will also be winging their way to you by the end of the week. if there is anything that you wish to discuss with regard to your child's report then there will be time to do this before we finish on Tuesday.

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Amberley Parochial Primary 

Voluntary Aided

Providing the rich soil that enables our children to develop deep roots and flourish.

The Parable of the Sower, Matthew 13


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Mrs S Russell

Tel: 01453 873349


Amberley Parochial School
Amberley, Stroud
Gloucestershire GL5 5JG

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Amberley Parochial Primary School

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