This week in Dexter Class

So the sun has decided to have a bit of time off I'm afraid so please do remember to provide children with a jumper and a coat. The forecast is for very changeable weather so we want everyone to be well prepared! This is especially true on Wednesday when we are off to Robinswood Hill Country Park to take part in some fun activities with Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust. This includes bug hunting and a woodland creature activity trail.
I have sent out an email regarding what children will need but in the meantime I will also list items here just in case emails go astray:
Children do not have to be in school uniform for this trip so they should wear/bring:
-A waterproof coat
-Some waterproof trousers if they have them
-Long jogging bottoms/leggings
-Long sleeved t-shirt/jumper
-Trainers that you don't mind getting muddy (they need trainers for the play park but they can also have wellies if you prefer to get these muddy)
The majority of the day is outdoors, in a woodland and pond area, which contains lots of brambles. It can get muddy and damp so please pack accordingly.
If the weather does change significantly, please pack sunhats and sun cream.
Please also ensure that all children have water and a packed lunch, with a snack for a morning break.
We are continuing with our story of Where The Wild Things Are and will be writing the beginning, middle and end. This will be our last focus text of the year so the children will really be showing off what they can do in terms of writing creatively using their phonics knowledge. This story seems to have inspired several children to write their own versions and I have really enjoyed reading the little books that have been sent into school or completed in the classroom.
Speaking of the classroom, we have been busy revamping it and rezoning our learning areas. The children have been instrumental in helping with this and seem to be enjoying exploring the environment with fresh eyes.
I do have to have a little grumble about the fact that some toys and resources are not being looked after as we would expect. I have had quite a few things broken in recent days and some of this is sadly not accidental. Our value this term is respect but I would like to ask a favour and just request that you discuss how we look after our own and other people's property with your children at home please.
That's it, small moan over! We are really enjoying this special time with the Dexters before they head off to Year 1 and Hereford Class. It will be lovely to go on the trip on Wednesday where they will get chance to spend time with their new classmates and teachers Mrs Hamilton and Mrs Apew. We are reviewing all their learning from throughout their year in Reception and completing activities which help them to demonstrate that they have learnt more and remember more.
I would also like to praise the children for their welcoming attitude to our newest member of the class. She has joined us from overseas and we are delighted that she is settling in well and making friends so thank you to the Dexter children. This will enable her to have a great start in September along with her friends.
Next week the children will have a 'move-up' session where they will spend some time in their new class. This is currently scheduled for Thursday 20th July and it is always an exciting time for the children although not for me and Mrs Smith as we will be quietly weeping into a box of tissues as we are going to miss them all so much.
Have a good week and lets do a sun dance for Wednesday!