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This week in Dexter class

Welcome back to Summer term 2. I hope you all had a lovely week and enjoyed the sunshine whether home or abroad. The weather looks set to stay fair so don't forget the sunscreen, hats and water bottles. The weather can be changeable so do pack a lightweight raincoat and school jumper just in case!

We are continuing with work based on the story of The Snail and the Whale this week by writing postcards from the snail as he travels to different countries around the world. We will also be looking at some more poetry to help with our recognition of rhyming words and rhyming strings. This week we will be reading 'Don't rush me now, please' about a snail who likes to take their time. We will also make a fact sheet about snails and create a habitat for them in the classroom so we can observe them up close. I am sure the children will enjoy making lettuce soup so we can feed them and see their teeth!

In maths we will continue working on the composition of numbers and will be looking at how we can share amounts equally-the foundations of division. On Friday, we will complete our first rapid recall club maths challenge of Summer 2.

In RE this week we will be talking about this terms value of Respect.

I will be assessing reading levels this week to ensure the children continue to bring home reading books that are at the appropriate level to match their phonics knowledge and offering challenge where needed. Please do keep up with the daily reading and record in the yellow books. These will travel with them into Year 1. Your child will receive a spelling sheet on Friday and as I mentioned in an earlier blog post this is optional at this stage but the children seem pretty keen to complete them - I had quite a few handed in to me before half term!

I look forward to welcoming the children back to school on Tuesday and look forward to a sun and fun filled term.

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The Parable of the Sower, Matthew 13

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Mrs S Russell

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Amberley Parochial School
Amberley, Stroud
Gloucestershire GL5 5JG

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Amberley Parochial Primary School

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