This week in Dexter Class

Well I can't believe that Simmer 1 is almost at an end. We have had a very busy term and the Dexter class will soon be preparing for their transition to Year 1-sob!!! With this in mind you will have noticed that I sent home a sheet of spellings which is optional at this stage but will help with reading and writing of the Phase 5 phonics that we are now learning. This spelling activity will be familiar to those of you with older children in the school. The sheet will usually come home in book bags on a Friday. There is no expectation to return these to school but any support in addition to reading the school books provided will always be helpful to your child.
We are completing a rewrite of the story of The Snail and The Whale this week and focusing on our success criteria to write strong sentences. We are starting to use capital letters and full stops in addition to our finger spaces as well as being able to read back what we have written to check it makes sense. The children are really wowing me with their recall and knowledge of the story so far. We are also looking at real life whales and snails, discussing habitats and learning some very cool facts! We are completing a comprehension where the children will watch a fun video about snails and then read the facts before reading and answering a few simple questions.
We are continuing to look at subtraction this week and have been having fun and games with a ring toss game where we have to add or take away points. We are awaiting the arrival of a bowling set which I also ordered as they enjoyed it so much during PE and so did I. We have a couple of potential cricket fast bowlers amongst the class!
In RE this week we are talking about how can we look after God's Creation? This involves lots of cross-curricular links as we are exploring how we can look after our planet. We are also writing beasty bug prayers.
I have promised the children a bit of a treat on Friday so will be bringing in some ice lollies. If any one would prefer me not to give this to their child please email me and let me know so I can provide an alternative. They have worked so hard and as we won't have a Golden Book Assembly I wanted to do a little something for them.