This week in Dexter class

Apologies for being a little late with my blog post, I just don't know where the time is going! I want to start by saying that it was lovely to see so many parents last week to celebrate your children's progress. Many of the children were very excited to be showing parents their books and I hope they made you proud.
This week we are focusing on The Easter Story in RE. Children ordered the story discussing the important moments such as Good Friday, Palm Sunday etc. They also worked on a collage with Mrs Smith which shows an Easter scene.
In Phonics and Literacy, we are focusing on our reading and writing skills based around Spring time and Easter celebrations. We are reading more complex sentences and matching them to their correct picture. We have also been practising our tricky (common exception) and high frequency words. We will also be writing shopping lists about what we need to buy for Easter-eggs will feature quite highly I think!
On Thursday and Friday we will be working on decorating our Easter hats which the children will bring home on Friday.
In Maths we are consolidating our learning and continuing to work on number bonds, counting on from a given number instead of starting back at the beginning and using number lines to help us with calculations. We would like children to be able to rapidly recall one more/one less than a given number to 10 and we have also introduced the part-whole model to show what two numbers can make a bigger number. For example 6 and 4 are 'parts' of the 'whole' 10.
I hope that the weather will perk up in time for the holidays and that whether you are home or away you will all have a super break. If all children can bring their library books back on Monday after the holidays that would be great. We are missing a few as we have given children another book even though a previous one hasn't been returned but we have noticed that stocks are dwindling !I would like to thank Dr Bayly for supporting the children and staff with our library, we all enjoy visiting her and discussing our choices even though sometimes the books may be more suited to you reading to your child!