This week in Dexter Class

This week we will be continuing with our Traditional Tale of The Gingerbread Man and will start the week by writing simple captions and sentences in order to retell the story. We will also talk about how we used a non-fiction recipe book to help us with baking gingerbread people last week. We will then sort out my muddled up recipe and put them in the correct order. This will help us to understand the features of instructions.
In Maths we are looking at one more and one less when looking at amounts and we will also focus on number bonds for 6, 7 and 8. Our RE work will centre around special religious books and Bible stories and we will be retelling/re-enacting the story of Jesus and the Calming of the Storm. In phonics we will be working on learning to read and write words containing the sounds, oi, ear, er and air.
I have also purchased a den building kit and brought this in today. It is for the children to engage in open ended construction which will help with fine and gross motor skills, imaginative play and building relationships with others. The intention is for children to use the resource collaboratively. It seems to be a big hit already so I have bought another one as I can' t wait to see what they come up with!