This Week In Dexter Class

Welcome back! I would like to wish you all a very Happy New Year!
This week, we will be refreshing our confidence with reading and writing by reviewing the digraphs sh, ch, th, nk, ng, ai and ee. It has been lovely to see so many children have continued reading over the holiday - it has really made a difference to their confidence and fluency.
In maths, we will be will be using our reasoning skills to answer tricky questions that involve the application of our understanding of number bonds to 5, using number lines to add and subtract and identifying which number is more or less/fewer and by how many.
In English, Language and Communication, we will be reading Six Dinner Sid by Inga Moore. This is a lovely story about a cat which visits 6 different houses, the residents of which all believe him to be their cat! This will prompt work on animal care next week.
In RE, we will be exploring the Christian Value of Thankfulness and talking about the things that we are thankful for and how we can show our gratitude. We will also be talking about which stories that are special to us and why, so if children would like to bring in a book of special importance to them then they are welcome to do so on Wednesday next week.
We will be doing PE on Friday and children should now wear the kit that they received at the end of last term when they come into school.