This Week in Dexter Class

This week, in our phonics lessons, we will be learning the sounds l, ss and ll, and will be looking at the rules around when we might use the single or a double grapheme. We will also be learning to read the HFWs of, mum and dad, and writing the words and, no, go, to and the.
In literacy, language and communication, we will be focused on non-fiction texts, and will be learning about Mae Jamison, the American astronaut who was the first Black woman to travel into space.
In our RE lesson, we will be thinking about Harvest festival and how and why it is celebrated by Jewish and Christian communities
In maths, we will be continuing to build the foundations of mental maths by developing our subitising skills. We will also be focusing on the numbers 1 and 2, and looking at different representations of them including coins, clocks, Numicon, numerals, etc. The children will be introduced the the Numberblocks characters from the BBC series, which they may well wish to watch again at home!
We are hoping to go on our first welly walk this week, so please ensure that your child has waterproof trousers, a coat and wellies in school. We will keep a close eye on the weather, but it is most likely that we will go out on Tuesday or Wednesday.