This Week in Dexter Class

Welcome back! This week in Dexter class, we will be learning the graphemes l, ll and ss and consolidating our blending and segmenting techniques for reading and spelling. In maths, we will be looking at the composition of numbers, simple 2d shapes and using positional language to describe the relative position of objects. In RE, we will be delving into the Christian value of Truthfulness and will be thinking about times when we have found it hard to tell the truth, as learning about the importance of truthfulness.
In our English work, we will be reading 'Going on a Bear Hunt' by Michael Rosen and will be making links to our work on positional language in maths. As Bonfire night approaches, we will be learning about firework safety and will also be finding out more about the Hindu and Sikh festivals of lights, Diwali. We won't be welly walking this week, but would be grateful if children continued to keep their wellies and wet weather gear in school, so that we can enjoy learning in our outside space whatever the weather.