This Week in Belted Galloway Class

We start this second term with Year 6 children taking part in Bikeability sessions over the course of the week, learning safe cycling skills in the local area. In class, in English, we will be taking part in the Rotary Club Young Writers' competition, where the children have the chance to free write, draft, edit and publish their work with very little support. This will help them to develop their independence and writing stamina: it will be quite daunting at first, but will be a worthwhile experience for all the children. As a school, we have a great record in the Rotary Club contests in the past, so we are hoping the children can work well this week too. In our immersion curriculum work, we will be taking part in an art topic that involves the children studying one of the 'masters'. This week we will focus on the work of Leonardo DaVinci, with particular emphasis on his sketch skills linked to asking questions, considering perspectives and drawing guide lines.