This Week in Belted Galloway Class

Hello and welcome back! I hope you all had a great summer, and it is lovely to see the children raring to go! I will be sending a letter outlining what is happening this term later this week, and will also include this on the Belted Galloway part of the school website. This week we will be making sure that the children are happy with the routines of Year 5/6: one of the biggest focusses of the start of term will be personal organisation and children taking control of their learning. We will be issuing diaries for the children to note down events, homework set, books read, etc, in order to promote this.
English this week will be centred around an animation called Ruin, which is a post-apocalyptical adventure. We will use this to develop the children's ability to develop action and build structure into their narrative writing. Our main topic this week will be a PSHE based one, and will be about personal safety and respectful behaviours. Through this the children will learn about the dangers of stereotyping, they will consider prejudice and discrimination, they will explore safe internet use and they will learn about drug use and the law, considering the dangers and the effects legal drugs can have on the human body.
Our value for the term is Friendship and we will be exploring this over the course of the term. I will be reading the children a book called The Kites are Flying this week, which deals with friendship in a difficult situation, and explores the effects conflict has on children, centred on a child growing up in Palestine.