This Week in Belted Galloway Class

This blog comes a little late following a week we weren't really expecting. With numbers of children and staff testing positive for COVID increased, we re-started TEAMs-based home learning in order to keep as many children as possible up-to-date with their learning. The children, both at home and at school, responded really well to the sudden changes, and we had a good week. If nothing else, the ups and downs of the past two years have made our children so resilient to changes. Our writing this week was all based around our class novel, October October by Katya Ballen. The children really developed their style by writing in a number of different contexts. In maths, we continued our work on area and perimeter, and moved towards volume. With no Miss Green this week, there will be no outdoor learning session on Friday, so children do not need to be wearing their outdoor learning clothes.