This Week in Belted Galloway Class

After a really successful and fun week at PGL last week, we return to class based learning feeling a little tired, a little achy but really proud of our achievements!
English will centre around completing our narrative work, with the children focussing on the events leading to the resolution of our jointly planned story. This will lead to the children planning and writing their own. Maths will centre around the multiplication journey, where the children will develop and extend their written methods of multiplication. We will be starting the week with a club maths challenge, giving the children a chase to achieve a personal best.
In our curriculum work, we will be completing our study of the Ancient Greeks, looking at the city states, Alexander the Great and the legacy of the Ancient Greeks.
In RE we will be continuing our studies of the religion of Islam, exploring the festival of Eid-ul-Adha. PE and Outdoor learning sessions will continue as normal on Thursday and Friday.