This Week in Belted Galloway class

We have made it to the final week of what was a very strange term, but also a wonderful one in the sense we were able to restart face-to-face learning. In some ways, it seems like we have only just got back, so breaking up for Easter feels too soon, but in other ways I think the children are more than ready for the break. This week we will be completing our blocks of work in time for the break: we will be completing our mini-block on biographies by researching and writing a biography for a monarch of the children's choice. We will be concluding our work on vectors in computing, salvation with reference to the Easter story in RE and putting the finishing touches to our work on monarchs in history by looking at the time when England didn't have a monarch by learning about Oliver Cromwell. Our maths work will again focus on the spatial side of maths, including measures this week, and we will be ending the week with a GECKO maths problem solving challenge and a Knowledge Organiser quiz.