This Week in Belted Galloway Class

Hello and Happy New Year. We start another term in these uncertain times, but we hope that the children's education can be as consistent as possible during these times. This week we will be beginning a block of work in English on traditional tales. We will be starting by reading Philip Pullman's novel Clockwork, and considering the style and plot of this engaging story. We will be exploring non-fiction texts as part of our reading this week, looking at the structure of these texts and considering features such as glossaries, captions and the contents and index. In maths, we will be continuing our work on fractions, with a specific focus on converting improper and mixed numbers. The children will also receive their tests back from last term, and have the chance to explore and flag up any aspects that they want to go over, taking responsibility for their future learning. Our topic this week will be a Geography based one, and will look at the physical and human geography of the continents of the Americas.