This Week In Belted Galloway Class

We are dipping our toes into December, but we still as industrious as ever in Belted Galloway class. This week we will be starting a two week History block of work studying the Maya civilisation. It is an alternative study, and one that the children don't have a lot of background knowledge about, but will give them a wider understanding when they compare their learning with the Ancient Greeks and Egyptians. This week we will place the Mayan era in the context of the world, both geographically and historically, while we will be exploring their view of gods and religion as well as looking at their understanding of number. In English, we will be continuing to 'explode the moment' and extend relatively simple story-lines by using descriptive detail and personal reaction. In maths, we will be ordering and comparing fractions, and the children will have the chance to show what they have learnt in their end of term assessment activities.