This Week in Belted Galloway Class

Welcome back! We hope you have had a restful and refreshing half term and are ready for whatever 2020 will throw at us next! This week, we will be starting a number of new blocks of work. In English, we will be beginning work on a topic on recount writing linked to diaries. This week, we will be centring our work around the theme of food, with the children writing recounts based on the multi-sensory experiences and memories associated with favourite and less favourite meals. Our work in maths will be based around factors, multiples, prime numbers and square numbers this week, and the children will also be looking at their assessment activities from last term, flagging up areas of concern and taking charge of future learning. Our immersion curriculum topic this week is Art, and the children will be developing their creative skills through the media of collage. Mrs Harbord will be starting her role of booster teacher with us this week: she will be supporting children in maths, reading and writing, and her skills will allow us to close some of the gaps that have developed through the school closure of the last academic year.