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This week in Belted Galloway class

It is the final week of an industrious half term, and in many ways it has flown by, although I am sure we all need a break! This week the children will be taking part in the Rotary club writing competition, a national event that children from Amberley have done very well at in recent years. The children will be working independently to plan, write, draft, edit and produce a piece of work with the title 'The Happiest Day'. Most children are already thinking of twists they can make: I look forward to reading the completed work. The children will be taking part in maths assessments this week, where we will look for gaps in their learning which we can plan to address early in the next term. I want the children to feel central to the assessment process: they will get their tests back, have the chance to flag up anything they don't understand and request additional teaching. Our immersion curriculum topic this week is Music and Movement, where we will be composing and creating musical and visual pieces linked to the plight of the rain forests. It is an emotive issue and will hopefully inspire some good work as well as the desire to make a difference.

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Amberley Parochial Primary 

Voluntary Aided

Providing the rich soil that enables our children to develop deep roots and flourish.

The Parable of the Sower, Matthew 13

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Mrs S Russell

Tel: 01453 873349



Amberley Parochial School
Amberley, Stroud
Gloucestershire GL5 5JG

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Amberley Parochial Primary School

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