This Week in Belted Galloway class

Welcome to the first full week back of 'normal' school in what feels like such a long time. It is great to be back, and it is wonderful to see the children keen to get back to their learning. Our topic for our first full week is a PSHE-based one: we will be learning about rights, responsibilities, rules and laws in our Citizenship topic. Through this, the children will look at how the government is structured, the justice system and the responsibilities adults have in this system, e.g. in paying taxes and in taking part in jury service. In English, we will be beginning a block of story-writing work that will be based around the animation RUIN, which is a dynamic post-apocalyptic adventure piece set in the future. It can be found on the Literacy Shed web site if you would like to have a look and discuss it with your child. This week we will be explore the techniques to develop character and setting. In Maths, we will be looking at place value of large numbers, and using this place value to order and compare numbers. We will also be looking at special number types, including square and happy numbers.