This week in Belted Galloway

Welcome back to what will hopefully be a more settled year at primary school for your children. It is exciting to be back as a school rather than a specific bubbles, and the children are already enjoying having lunches with the younger children, applying for roles and responsibilities around school and, for the year 6 children, meeting their Dexter buddies.
This week we will be completing a geography topic about Japan in our curriculum work. The children will be focussing on the human and physical characteristics of the country, using atlases and other secondary sources, and will be exploring population data and interpreting this. Maths this week will focus on extending and developing the children's addition skills, while in English we will be beginning a block of work on story writing, using the myth of Thespina and the Scorpidon as our starting point.
We will be having a PGL meeting on Thursday after school for parents to discuss aspects of the trip and we hope to see some of you there.