PGL Update 2

The PGL Diaries Part 2: Wednesday afternoon and evening
We have had a lovely afternoon and it has been a pleasure and a privilege to spend it with your children and see how confident and willing they are to face challenges. Two such children were Noah and Finn, who, a few months ago when they were in Year 5, found the Trapeze extremely difficult. This year both faced their fears, demonstrated steely determination, climbed to the top of the trapeze, took a leap of faith and jumped off! What a difference a few months makes! Decca also really impressed on the trapeze – she only managed to catch it with one hand, but refused to let go and managed to recover and get both hands on the bar in an act of determined acrobatics!
At lunch, Miss Cale challenged Fliss and Rachel to get to the top of the trapeze, and by tea time they were able to report to her that they achieved her challenge and were extremely proud of themselves. Louis talked about the value of perseverance when discussing what he was most proud of: he found the metal clips of the trapeze pole really hard to climb up, but he never gave up and succeeded through sheer will-power. He also nearly fell asleep in the undergrowth while hiding from Year 5 in our night-time game of Ambush! Alex and Kester faced every challenge with a stoic determination, whether they be water or heights events, while absolutely nothing seems to phase Evie-Joy, who throws herself into all activities like a bundle of energy!
Olivia and Adam were extremely quick in climbing up the trapeze, while Luna, Poppy and Freida absolutely loved the adrenaline rush of the zip wire, with all three showing such a brave and fearless attitude.
If Marvel decide to add further multi-verses in the Spiderman films, and want to portray Spider’man’ as a school girl, there is a good chance that Tess would get the part due to the way she climbs. She is fearless, and it is like she has sticky hands and feet!
Mr Beech’s group started the afternoon by climbing, and the children were outstanding. Freya was literally like a squirrel in the way she shot up the climbing wall, seemingly fearless and with great agility, while the Lucy’s attitude was superb, shown by the huge difference in how far she climbed between her first and last climbs. Isabela and Renée were the victors in the orienteering event, while Leo showed a real aptitude for map reading and a strong systematic nature.
Naunidh proved to be such a superb team player, supporting her friends when they were climbing, but also being willing to face real challenges herself: both her and Mr Beech really battled with an over-hang on one of the climbing walls!
Thursday morning sees the groups take part in the Giant Swing, the Challenge Course, the High Ropes and Archery, which we will report from later in the day.