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Friesian retrieval practice - mind mining

Across the school, we have been looking at how to improve our recall of key facts and information. In recent years, there has been significant research in metacognition and the most effective ways to develop our ability to access long term memory. Simply put, when we are focused on something, we are using our working memory (sometimes referred to as short term memory). Information we do not need at that time is held in our long term memory, as if we held onto too much at once, we would suffer from cognitive overload. If we want to be able to access information stored in our long term memory, we need practice retrieving it, so that we are able to find it more easily. The more we develop these neural pathways, the easier it becomes to readily access the information we have stored and bring it into our working memory. For example, the more we practise our times table facts, the easier it becomes to recall and apply them when we are working on more complicated long multiplication. If we have to work out a times table fact before we can apply it, we are putting more pressure on our working memory, and are more likely to suffer from cognitive overload.

At Amberley, we have introduced a 'mind mining mole' character, who sits alongside those of the learning powers.

This week, in Friesian class, we have been talking about effective methods we can use to learn our spellings and the children have been introduced to the Leitner method, which employs the concept of spaced repetition - an approach to memorization that uses time intervals. Rather than cramming information into your brain all in one sitting, spaced repetition encourages learners to space out learning over periods of time. I have placed a link on our class webpage to a simple Youtube clip which gives a demonstration, and have asked the children to try using this approach with their next set of spellings. During the final week of this term, the children are being asked to review all of the 'Jumping Orange' words that they have learned this term. We would be really grateful if you could help them to try out this method throughout the week, and then next term, help them to continue applying the same approach to their weekly spellings.

Thank you for your continued support.

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Amberley Parochial Primary 

Voluntary Aided

Providing the rich soil that enables our children to develop deep roots and flourish.

The Parable of the Sower, Matthew 13

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Mrs S Russell

Tel: 01453 873349



Amberley Parochial School
Amberley, Stroud
Gloucestershire GL5 5JG

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Amberley Parochial Primary School

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