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Hereford PSHE - Citizenship & British Values

This week we have had a fantastic week exploring rules, laws and how they keep us safe. We thought about how we can contribute to the life of the school but also the wider world. We explored our spiritual vision wheel and spoke about what being reflective, independent and aspirational meant. We also looked at beliefs and opinions and how we can handle experiences where we don't always agree with other people's opinions and beliefs.

The children spent their computing lesson on Thursday afternoon writing a blog detailing their week's learning. You can read them below:

"We have been thinking all about people's opinions and beliefs. We have been learning about the vision wheel. We have been thinking about the words reflective, independent and aspirational. We have been doing a person and inside of it we have been filling the person in it with stuff that we would do for school council." Arianne, Jacob and Florence.

"We need to make good decisions like being be kind to other people in the playground and your family, even to poor people in the streets that have no food or water to drink." Albert, Ruth and Tom.

"We have been learning about beliefs, opinions and how to be good people." Aubrey, Millan and Archie.

"We are learning about rules in Hereford Class like rocking on your chair and we have been learning about opinions like Mrs Norris saying she likes peas but Miss Holden doesn't." Elsie and Henry.

"We have been learning about opinions and beliefs and our vision wheel." Olivia, Molly and Tam.

"We have been learning about contributing and not contributing to the school and world. We have also been learning about our school vision wheel too." Romilly, Eve and Tabitha.

"We have been learning about contributing and not contributing to school and being aspirational, reflective and independent which are the three things we are trying to leave school as." Rose, Betsy and George.

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Amberley Parochial Primary 

Voluntary Aided

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The Parable of the Sower, Matthew 13

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Mrs S Russell

Tel: 01453 873349



Amberley Parochial School
Amberley, Stroud
Gloucestershire GL5 5JG

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Amberley Parochial Primary School

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