This week in Hereford Class
This week we are continuing with non-chronological reports and writing paragraphs about Autumn. We have looked at the signs of Autumn, linking this in with our science and we will start to think of other topics for our paragraphs. In Maths Y2 are looking at subtracting two, 2 digit numbers whilst Y1 are looking at number facts.
We have continued out science topic on seasons and have looked at the apparent movement of the sun. We have applied our maths skills by measuring shadows and putting the data onto bar graphs. We will be using our computing skills on Tuesday and Wednesday to create power points all about what we have learned. We will present these to Mrs Cross (our class governor) and Granny Maureen.
Messy Church is tomorrow after school, please pop along if you can. There are a huge range of activities and the children can even have their tea!