This week in Hereford Class
This week we have Miss Holden back teaching full time after saying goodbye to our student teacher, Miss Lee. We would like to thank Miss Lee for all of her hard work that she has put in over the course of the year.
We are kicking off the week by showing what we know in maths, helping to address any misconceptions or extend our learning ready for years 2 and 3.
In English we are continuing with our newspaper report genre. We have boxed up the story and we will begin to write the paragraphs as the week progresses.
Dave came in again today and taught the Y2 children how to cut, peel and weigh hygienically and safely. We did manage a few cuts but no missing fingers! Thank you to Mrs Stevens for being our first aider!
In RE we are looking at how Muslims pray in mosques and looking at the items they used to show their belief in Allah, whilst praying.
In Science we have been testing electrical circuits to see what a complete circuit looks like and when all components will work.
We are looking forward to sports' day on Friday. We have input all children into races so please come along to support. After the event we are lucky enough to have the Summer Sizzler. Please stay for this too, to support our wonderful PTA!