This week in Hereford Class

Welcome back! I hope you all had a fantastic Easter break and enjoyed the fantastic bank holiday weather. We will be launching our topic of 'Poles Apart' on Tuesday where we will be looking at weather patterns across the world and exploring different animals' habitats. We will be using our computing skills in order to research information about all of this. This terms topic is a Geography based topic with clear links to science and habitats. You will receive the Summer Term letter and overview this week, which will detail all of the exciting plans that we have in store. If you have any questions about any of this, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Following our launch, we will back into the swing of maths and English where we will be looking at shapes and their properties and letter writing. In RE we will be looking at our value of 'generosity' and linking this to the Bible story of 'The Widow's Mite.' Please ask your children all about the story and how the value fits in.
I'm sorry to say that this is Miss Griffiths last week with us and her final day will be Monday. Miss Griffiths has been a valuable member of the Hereford Team and I can say on behalf of myself and Hereford Class, she will be deeply missed. We wish her lots of luck for her final placement and the job she has secured for September.