This week in Belted Galloway

This week, Belted Galloway class will be starting three new aspects of their learning.
In English, we will be launching our next book, 'The Nowhere Emporium' by Ross Mackenzie, which we will be using to enhance the children's reading and writing skills. It is a book full of magic and mystery, and promises to really inspire and stretch the children's imaginations.
In maths, we will be looking at dividing fractions by whole numbers, which is often an area of maths that adults, let alone children, get confused about. Using models and images as well as numbers, we hope to develop children's practical and abstract understanding.
Still linking closely to our overarching theme of Earth and Beyond, the children will move onto developing their understanding of the effect of forces in Science this week, which will be a topic that we will continue to explore until Easter.