This week in Belted Galloway

This week, Belted Galloway class will be beginning a very important block of work on fractions. Often children (and adults) can have a negative mindset about these concepts, so we will be making sure we share enough images, ideas and models to help all children visualise the concepts, as well as fostering a positive, 'can do' attitude.
In English, we will be continuing our non-chronological work, while in science we will go further into our work on the Earth in Space, looking at the relative movements of the Earth, Sun and Moon.
On Friday, the class will be split in three directions: a number of children will be representing the school in the Stroud District 5-a-side football event; half the class will be singing with thousands of others in Birmingham at the Young Voices event; while the other children will be developing their leadership skills through working with some of the younger children in a PE session with Mr Spurrier.